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pdf logo ONLY ASC Membership $30 Use Paypal Use Zelle
pdf logo Student Form $10 Use Paypal Use Zelle
pdf logo Pilot Form $30 Use Paypal Use Zelle
pdf logo Basic/Advanced Flight Instructor & Membership Form $130 Use Paypal Use Zelle

pdf logo Exemption 9785 Document

Guidance for Returning Instructors:

  1. To be legal, you must carry the cover page with your name and authorization date on it.
  2. You must have signed the bottom of the cover page with your signature. FAA inspectors have been reminded to check this detail.
  3. You must carry the document pages from the FAA that are the exemption.
  4. You must renew your membership, your exemption, every year to maintain membership.
  5. If your attitude, actions or skills do not show the appropriate level of responsibility, you may at any time be subject to a peer review.
  6. The peer review process is a fair and balanced approach to evaluating complaints from any source. Penalty may be as high as removal from the exemption for instructors who are found guilty.
  7. The provided PTS has tests and answers. The answers may not be shared with the students except in a post test review.
  8. ASC does not provide insurance, nor can ASC buy or create insurance.

Send a photo of your existing ratings via email, including name, address and phone number. When processing is complete approved documents will be sent via email.

If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.